Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth
Picture of Internet: Wall Street International Mag
Picture of Tweeter: Christopher Landau USA Ambassador in México.
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WASHINGTON, July 8 2020.- “Mexico’s president, sharing a victory lap with President Donald Trump over a new trade deal, lauded him Wednesday for showing increasing respect for his fellow Mexicans — a stark reversal from earlier criticism of President Trump’s long record of immigrant-bashing”.

President Andres Manuel López Obrador blistered Trump during the 2016 election for his inflammatory comments towards Mexicans and other foreigners, and he risked significant backlash at home for appearing now with the U.S. president. “History tells us that it is possible to understand each other without arrogance or extremism,” López Obrador said in the Rose Garden at Trump’s side on Washington DC. Noting the heat he’s taken over the wisdom of this visit, he added, “Thank you, President Trump for being increasingly respectful with our Mexican fellow men.”

In President Donald John Trump words: The best president that Mexico has had, Benito Juárez García, was able, as you mentioned, to get along with the great republican president Abraham Lincoln.

Let us remember that this great American historical leader, the promoter of the abolition of slavery, never recognized Emperor Maximilian, imposed in Mexico with the intervention of the powerful French army. It is no coincidence that Juárez regretted the murder of Lincoln, saying: "I have deeply felt this disgrace because Lincoln, who with so much perseverance and determination worked for the complete freedom of his fellow men, was worthy of better luck ...".
The same happened with the splendid relationship that maintained, despite difficult circumstances, Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and our patriotic President, General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río.

President Andres Manuel López Obrador in a fragment at the end of his words: “But what I appreciate the most is that you have never looked impose on ourselves anything that violates or violates our sovereignty”.

Instead of the Monroe Doctrine, you have followed, in our case, the wise advice of the illustrious and prudent George Washington, who warned that "nations should not take advantage of the misfortune of other towns”. You have not intended to treat us as a colony, but, on the contrary, it has honored our status as an independent nation. By that's what I'm here to express to the people of the United States that its president has behaved towards us with kindness and respect. He has treated us for what we are: a country and a dignified, free, democratic and sovereign people.

Long live the friendship of our two nations!
Long live the United States of America!
Long live Canada!
Long live our America!
Long live Mexico!
Long live Mexico!
Long live Mexico!

Then, under a blazing afternoon sun, the presidents signed a joint declaration that notes the restrictions imposed to address the pandemic of COVID-19 and lauding the new trade deal as a recipe for each side to rebuild. Trump set a conciliatory tone on his Joint Declaration:

U.S.-Mexico trade topped $614 billion last year and 36 million Mexican-American Citizen, according to Mexican officials of sectors as Electronics (TV, Smartphones and others) manufacturing, Automotive and Aerospace. Texas relies heavily on that trade, with exports to Mexico of $109 billion — the state’s top foreign market — and imports just a bit lower.
“Reserve your New Trip & Travel”
President Trump Signs a Joint Declaration with the
President Trump Signs a Joint Declaration with the President of the United Mexican States - 3:35 PM
Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez de Lira
Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez De Lira 
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