The Crisis Winners
Remembering the words of John F. Kennedy "In the crisis, be aware of the danger, but recognize the opportunity."

All those people who were born between 1975 and forward to date have touched us from the Latin American point of view as: "Children or children of crises" go through almost endless periods of various economic crises that accumulated throughout the latter three decades from the government's dependence on oil revenues to the collapse of the stock markets for real estate assets and now the health pandemics that as it says which in conclusion has ended jobs and now has modified the way of life of millions of families around of the world but: What valuable lessons has society learned regarding the economy? Why is there still growth of companies that have become in some cases oligopolies or the only options to grant a product or service in a globalized world? What is the formula and why do some companies do well and eventually grow in crises? Who are the big winners during crises and who after them? What new crises will we face ahead?

Depending on the economic point of view, there will always be two sides of the coin: The first and the most visible is the unfortunate face, which is what the public notes through the mass news and expresses the collective perception and precautions of those who project many scenarios. Sometimes conservative and even negative, but the second face that is the least seen, discreetly waiting to be recognized, is that "Opportunities of Crises" for those companies or entrepreneurs who decide to assume "Measured Risks" earning money in hard circumstances. Regarding who is dedicated to providing vital products or services that will naturally win being only options or lack of competition as it would seem in this case of public health of COVID-19 and others such as that of Influenza type H1N1.

The Examples are several such as The pharmaceutical industry, private services added to public health that are not in contact with infected patients, or the large commercial stores of which each are serving the entire global supply between six or ten global brands; Food companies and maximum wholesale supply companies that do not see their profits stop due to increases in demand and the sometimes frequent shortage of food and necessities, not to mention those companies that have the main brands from cleaning supplies to Articles for daily use as toothpaste and canned food or home delivery people who are benefited by public sanitary restriction measures.

Also in the different stock exchanges of the world, they lost, reaching values never recorded in decades of losses in their main financial indicators.
Another sector benefited is that of Telecommunications and what to say about Internet and Cable providers just when the launch of the most ambitious international technological platform, 5G technology, Internet video call services, and other service platforms, had been announced. of online conferences that allow you to do a better job from home or remote workplaces under the adopted terms such as "Telework" and "Home Office".
Now let's analyze the winning sectors that are not so essential as Digital Entertainment, Videogames, Streaming services (videos and movies on the internet) and everything that can be consumed on the Internet that added to thousands of artists and companies that also take advantage of the " Rise to the wave "they see how they capitalize on these circumstances even as governments and non-profit activities groups fight against the current to prevent further spread and face new social and economic challenges in the face of this contingency that once again at some point will have to happen as crises have always passed to some future moment to take stock, add to the collective experience and recognize what died during this period but also Discover what: "Is Coming Raise" and how the economy, technology, and social consciousness will adapt to these profound social changes."

Video San Luis Potosí
Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez de Lira
Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez De Lira 
Fundador IT Capital

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