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![]() Picture Source: Google Prostitution: Alternatives to Sexual Slavery Abolitionism. Prostitution is a phenomenon that has existed in the world globally for many centuries and has survived as a profession that many people resort to due to different socio-economic circumstances, especially due to poverty and lack of opportunities, however regionally speaking of Mexico and LATAM in the last century things have changed to turn ordinary people into sex slaves of women, men and individuals of other genders who are victims of groups that commit these crimes with impunity and that traffic people domestically or internationally for sexual purposes, tolerated on many occasions by the corrupt authorities of different countries but the governments do not seem ready to discuss this issue deeply and neither to change the Laws to avoid this new form of slavery, which the following research work describes. There are individuals who voluntarily engage in prostitution and paid sex work and are called sex workers because of their way of earning a living, although many of them suffer all kinds of discrimination and violence since this activity is not classified in the labor law and neither in financial law as an economic activity so due to these legal and financial loopholes these people have to carry out their activities discreetly and sometimes secretly without access to basic rights such as social security free of violence like any other job or how to create a line of credit or equity investment in a bank for their income or to obtain a scholarship to study, including the right to complete health services with access to surgical procedures or access to medicines, childcare for their families or birth control . The best description of sex work would then be when the person decides to engage in it voluntarily and if not, then it is human trafficking that includes sexual exploitation and slavery. It is hard to believe the indifference of many States of the Countries to safeguard the opportunity to earn a living through other types of employment such as prostitution and paid sex work which does not require specific professional or academic preparation, ignoring that it is the same state that has proven to be insufficient for provide basic and free education to the population and the economic conditions necessary to survive to millions of families in conditions of high marginalization and poverty that survive on less than 10 dollars a day and that, added to the lack of opportunities, has led to many People turn to sex work as the only possibility of survival for themselves and their families, being willing to experience violence, discrimination, forced labor, robbery and murder without the possibility of having protection and the defense of the law for their work and without understanding or the commitment to understanding society in this regard. The many samples of good Mexican film making that give us films that propose or that highlight concrete and social problems in Mexico and LATAM such as: I´M NO LONGER HERE Directed by Fernando Frías, HELL Directed By Luis Estrada, POLVO Directed By Jose María Yazpik, CHICUAROTES Directed By Gael García Bernal, AMORES PERROS Directed By Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu, MANO DE OBRA Direct By David Zonana, ABEL Directed By Diego Luna, among many others and THE CHOSEN ONES (2015) is no exception because this Film shows its message in a subtle and powerful way that provokes reflection and the fact of describing the problems in Mexico within a crude dark atmosphere where the viewer realizes the sad reality of the characters of the film and the circumstances that put them slaves to human trafficking, In the words of David Pablos, who is the Talented Director of this film and who has been awarded in the main world film festivals for this and other films, he mentioned that him not work on it with the desire to obtain juicy profits but rather to raise awareness and reflect on what we are doing for people who suffer from these conditions in the society of "LAS ELEGIDAS" (English translation THE CHOSEN ONES) (French translation LES ELURES) which is now available on the Netflix Streaming platform.
Made By Economist Rosa María Banda Martínez. Sponsorship
Referencias Periodísticas y de Investigación (Research References & Journal) -Trafficking in Persons Report 20th Edition June 2020- Department of State- United States of America -Protocolo de Palermo- Protocolo Para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños, que Complementa la Convención de las Naciones Unidas Contra la Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional. -“Mujeres en Fuga- Relatos de Primera Mano de Refugiadas que Huyen de El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y México 2015”.-Agencia de La ONU para los Refugiados (UNHCR-ACNUR) -“Annual Report- Covering Activities During 2018”-United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) -“Diagnostico Sobre la Situación de la Trata de Personas en México 2019”- Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) -“La Experiencia de las Mujeres Víctimas de Trata en América Central y Republica Dominicana y la Actuación de las Instituciones”-Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) -Memoria- “Experiencia en la Regulación del Trabajo Sexual en América Latina y el Caribe” Diciembre 2019- Congreso de la ciudad de México, I Legislatura- Centro de Estudios Legislativos para la Igualdad de Genero. -Iniciativa con Proyecto de Decreto que Contiene, Proyecto de Decreto por el cual se expide la Ley Para la Protección del Trabajo Sexual Autónomo Habilitado -Pacto De Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales Versión Comentada- Comisión Presidencial Coordinadora De La Política Del Ejecutivo En Materia De Derechos Humanos (COPREDEH) -AMETS, Alianza Mexicana de Trabajadores Sexuales. ![]() Request attention to the telephones: ![]() and to the mail:
IT Capital | Todos los derechos reservados | 2020 |