Exporting and Earning Money
Would you like to earn 20 times more money by making some small adjustments to your business such as translating all your information and training your staff into English or other languages and starting to sell to foreign companies in USD or Euros?
Stereotypes sometimes prevent us from visualizing from a company's vision how to generate profits in Domestic businesses (In the country) and more in International ones.

In theory, selling in Foreign Currencies in Dollars or Euros for domestic companies in Latin America is better than selling in their national currency when the exchange parity or Exchange Rate can go up to 20: 1 or higher in some cases but the problems with which they are find exporters currently:

1.- The lack of specialized financing (for which many entrepreneurs sometimes decide to even mortgage their real estate with their local bank to contract lines of credit that are not sufficient and that do not fit the company or the project with a cost of money that may be excessive (eg 8% per month) which would be incredible to mention in countries with a more mature and financially structured exporter system, where there are many institutions supporting this sector.

Today more than ever, governments in Latin American countries need to generate new exporting companies and strengthen those that currently exist not only to generate foreign exchange and improve their income with an exchange rate or Exchange Rate of 20: 1, but also to be at the day in technological advances compared to the most developed countries and from the responsibility of the government to generate adequate strategies and structures to gradually stop depending on their government income from remittances (money in foreign currency that enters the country through workers Mexican or Latin American immigrants abroad) or Oil that is going through its worst moment.
Exporting Basics: The Export Process Overview
Exporting Basics: The Export Process Overview
Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez de Lira
Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez De Lira 
Fundador IT Capital

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