Aerospace Travels & 5G Technology Space X
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USA Minneapolis (apro) .- Demonstrations in the USA worsen for the death of a Civilian at the hands of a policeman during his arrest.

After the unjust death of George Floyd on May 28, 2020, who was an innocent 46-year-old African American, he became unconscious due to suffocation caused during his arrest by a policeman in the city of Minneapolis, USA in a routine operation by a report of a counterfeit $ 20 bill that George Floyd allegedly had used who was later taken to a hospital where he finally died generating anger in the country, beginning massive protests in 45 different cities from Boston to San Francisco day and night to what President Donald Trump responded on June 30, 2020 with the outcome to the streets of 5,000 national guard policemen and army soldiers to prevent vandalism and looting as well as imposing a curfew on 40 cities of 15 different states of the country.

USA Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Kennedy Center (apro) .- First manned launch of the company Space X and NASA.

SpaceX the American company of the South African Naturalized American Physician Elon Reeve Musk also owner of the company "Tesla" who together with NASA on Saturday May 30, 2020 successfully launched its mission to send the first two Astronauts into space "Civilians” on the Ship called Crew Dragon 2 on the Falcon 9 Rocket Reusable to the International Space Station or ISS on a 22 Hrs. mission. Since its launch organized from a tripartite command center in Florida, Texas and California in the words of Scientist Marcos Nuñez George Professor Crew of NASA.

Saturday, May 30, was a special day for NASA and SpaceX since the USA had been launching rockets into space since 2009, in addition to the great expectations that the scientific community in general has for these continuous launches, as well as the Financial community when they see a completely new industry of space travel is born with “Civil” people with “Non” military knowledge NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley who will spend more than 100 days on the ISS and that Space X is already preparing for its return at the end of this period of days. This effort corresponds to the career he intends to win as the first Private Equity Aerospace company to bring people to the ISS, the moon and eventually to Mars in this case against the company of Sir (Noble title) Richard Charles Nicholas Branson Owner Virgin Group and 360 plus London-based UK companies who initially plan to just send "Civil" Astronauts to the ISS and support the International Scientific Community by loading 3.3 Tons back and forth. In average of materials and functional prototypes of International experiments of diverse biological, chemical and physical areas among others.

NASA had no plans to go to the planet Mars initially, so it decided to search for and develop new additional projects such as "Starlink", which will be responsible for sending 130 satellites to space to generate its own Digital Internet network of Broadband 5G technology in Two dates the first one on May 13, 2019 and on November 12, 2019. SpaceX Vice President for Vehicle Engineering, Mark Juncosa, explained in May 2019, when the first of these launches took place, that with 13 sent satellites they aspired to cover the territory of the United States, with 24 the main inhabited areas in the world and with 60 additional satellites the entire planet and its needs in 5G coverage. 

 (Source: The New York Times, 2019).
Next Project for Space X is Artemis Mission 2024 that aims to put a woman on the moon and the definitive Elon Musk Project that aims to bring Man to the planet Mars in the following 16 years.

 (Source: Georges, Marcos. Aerospace Academy).
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Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez de Lira
Gustavo Ernesto Rodríguez De Lira 
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